Ador transmisiuinile de la Eurosport ale Turului, mai ales in zilele cand ciclistii trec pe linga chateau-uri sau prin munti (Pirinei sau Alpi).
Mie chiar imi place Franta, cu toate astea nu ma pot abtine sa nu fac putin misto de fratii nostri de peste Rhin. Nu imi explic de ce... o fi din cauza ca am stat pe-acolo cam un an? Promit sa mai fac niste introspectiuni ca sa aflu.
Pentru cei care doresc sa viziteze aceasta minunata tara, sora noastra mai mare de ginta latina, am gasit un fel de ghid haios de calatorie (il est en anglais).
Un scurt exemplu:
General overview
France is a medium-sized foreign country situated in the continent of Europe. It is an important member of the world community, though not nearly as important as it thinks. It is bounded by Germany, Spain, Switzerland and some smaller nations of no particular consequence and with not very good shopping. France is a very old country with many treasures, such as the Louvre and EuroDisney. Among its contributions to western civilisation are champagne, Camembert cheese and the guillotine. Although France likes to think of itself as a modern nation, air conditioning is little used and it is next to impossible to get decent Mexican food. One continuing exasperation for American visitors is that the people willfully persist in speaking French, though many will speak English if shouted at. As in any foreign country, watch your change at all times.
3 comentarii:
nu fi asa sigur cu americanii :D
singurii americani mai "puternici" sunt Zabriskie, Leipheimer si Hincapie.Zabriskie si Leipheimer sunt buni la individual time trial si pe plat, iar sarcina lui Hincapie e sa traga echipa dupa el (cum a fost in ultimii ani)...asa ca nu prea cred ca va fi castigat turul de americani, anul asta turul va fi castigat de un spaniol sau neamt.zic eu :)
Ei, imi dadeam si eu cu pronosticu', la un Tur din asta niciodata nu stii cine o sa castige (decat daca participa Lance Armstrong :D , noroc ca s-a retras).
haha, corect :)
se poate face un pronostic asa...castiga cel care bea mai mult "suc de portocale" :))
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